The program for the Aging and Cognition 2025 conference will consist of keynote sessions, poster presentations, oral presentations, and symposia. There will be parallel sessions.
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Click here to submit your abstract
Posters are individual, free-standing research presentations. A poster presentation is the appropriate format to present your research when material can be explained briefly, is suited for graphic or visual presentation, and/or the presenter would benefit from high levels of interaction and discussion. The poster size is A0 portrait format: height 118,9 cm (46,8 inches), width 84,1 cm (33.1 inches).
Oral presentations
Oral presentations offer participants the opportunity to present their research in a structured format. Each presenter will have a set amount of time, typically 15 minutes, to share their findings, followed by a short Q&A session (max 5 minutes). These presentations are ideal for researchers wishing to engage the audience more deeply with their work. Presentations will be grouped by topic into thematic sessions to foster focused discussions.
A paper symposium is a cohesive cluster of research presentations and theoretical perspectives focused on a specific topic that emphasizes conceptual issues and an integration of findings with representation from multiple institutions.
Each symposium needs to include a Chair and at least 3 paper presentations (plus a discussant), or 4 paper presentations.
A total time of 80 minutes will be allotted to each symposium session. The chair briefly presents the theme of the symposium, organizes and directs the session, introduces the presenters, and ensures that time limits are strictly observed. Presenters speak for 15 minutes and answer questions for a maximum of 5 minutes. Please note that symposia are not financially facilitated by EUCAS.
The Chair should collect the individual abstracts of the presenters, write a cover abstract to encompass the general topic of the symposium (max 100 words), submit the cover abstract in the form (under “abstract information”), and upload the individual abstracts (max 4) of each presenter as files (pdf, docx, txt). All files must contain:
- Presenting author information: name and email
- Author/s information: name, email, and affiliation
- Abstract: max 200 words
Abstract format and review
Abstracts for posters, oral presentations, and symposia should not exceed the 200 words limit. All submissions will be reviewed by the scientific program committee and external reviewers. Notification about abstract acceptance will be sent out in January 2025.